Business Models That Are Proftable For Handyman Businesses
Handyman businesses can be very versatile. No two handyman businesses generally offer the exact same set of services, although some can offer all kinds of services. Handymen are known for using their skills to help people deal with various minor problems around the home. Since handyman businesses are different, they also tend to have their very own business models.
These business models present certain advantages and disadvantages. While some business models bring more profit, another can be more easy to operate. For some business models, experience isn’t really required. So what are some of the handyman business models that you should consider?
1. The Handyman Who Can Do Everything
There are handyman businesses that help customers deal with whatever issues they have within their homes. This could include everyone from fixing a faucet that’s leaking, to lawn care and maintenance. With this kind of a business model, you’ll be able to provide the customer with any service they need. This means that they won’t need to find another tradesmen to fix issues around the home.
Remember that if you want to offer all kinds of services, then you’ll need to have the right licenses. You can’t do the work of an electrician without the right license. Even some plumbing jobs might require a license. There might also be certain services that you don’t enjoy doing. With this business model, you’ll need to provide all kinds of services, even the ones you don’t like doing.
2. The Odd Jobs Handyman
People generally tend to be so busy with their lives, that a lot of the work around the home gets left undone. An odd jobs handyman steps in to help people get these jobs done. You might find yourself hanging paintings or shelves, or assembling furniture, and more. Generally, you’ll be doing the work that the house owner has not had the time to do.
You’ll only need to have basic handyman skills to employ this business model. You’ll also need to improve your customer service skills, and should know how to price your services right.
3. Specialist Handyman
Sometimes, offering specialized services can be more profitable than offering to do everything the customer needs. You could only offer TV mounting services, or pressure washing services. Some handymen choose to just offer painting, or window cleaning services. This is a good business model that helps handymen easily set their business up.
You need to invest in tools needed for just your specialization, and can choose to offer clients a flat rate price. You will also be able to grow your business, and go on to hire employees of your own.
You can also consider investing in trade insurance. This is as working as a handyman leaves you exposed to certain risks, such as being sued by an unhappy client. When you have trade insurance, you can better protect your career as well as your finances. If you would like to learn more about trade insurance, then click here.
4. Cherry Picking Jobs
There are some handymen that only choose to do the jobs that they are interested in. You might also choose a job simply because it pays more. To succeed with this business model, you’ll need to be good at marketing your business. You want to ensure that your work schedule is completely booked, at least for a week two in the future. This helps you ensure that you have steady work, with this business model.
5. Adopting A Franchise
Another business model that you should consider is franchising. You can invest in a franchise and be a part of a brand that’s already established. The upfront costs will be higher, but all of your business systems will be in place, with this business model. You won’t need to worry about starting a new business from scratch, and can rely on the reputation of the franchise you join, to get you through your initial days.
6. Memberships For Home Maintenance
You could ask your clients to sign up for a membership, where you take care of home maintenance on a weekly basis, monthly basis, or other set period of time. Say after every month, you need to visit the home of the client to maintain their lawn. You could also offer services like changing water filters or air filters, replacing light bulbs, inpecting carbon monoxide alarms, and more.
From time to time, you’ll be expected to go to the client’s home, to take care of their home maintenance needs. Irrespective of the amount of work that you have to do, you’ll be able to charge a standard fee for that time period.
7. Working On The Weekend
You can also choose to work part time. Maybe you want to ensure that you can make enough money as a handyman, before you quit your current job. In such cases, starting a side job as a handyman can be a good idea. A lot of homeowners prefer to get their repair and maintenance work done over the weekends. You can experience what life would be like as a professional handyman, through this business model.
There are several business models that you can try, for your handyman business. Some business models are more profitable than others. Depending on what kind of services you provide and how many hours you work, you can make more money as a handyman. This guide presents you with seven handyman business models to consider.